
10 Reasons To Begin Reading Poetry
Posted on August 21, 2022.

I haven’t always been a regular poetry reader, but last fall I began reading poetry again, and ever since I’ve been thinking about why I love it so much. I’ve also been thinking about why people are sometimes reluctant to read poetry. …

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The One Blog You Didn’t Know You Needed… And Here’s Why You Actually Do!
Posted on August 21, 2022.

Hello, there! And thank you for visiting my new blog!

Here at Poeticly Speaking, I believe in providing my customers with only the best products in the market. But I also know that sometimes navigating the large number of books you fi…

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Let's Talk

If you have questions about my work and inspiration, want to know more about a product on the website, or want to dedicate a poem to someone you love, please send a message. 

*Inquires about The P.S Writing Challenge can be submitted here as well*

All messages will be reviewed and promptly responded to by Nnamdi Agude himself.